If you’re following ALL 5 Rules consistently, you will start to notice signs that it’s working.
Here’s what to look out for when a woman is falling in LOVE
3 Signs That The Rules Are Working
Sign #1) She Cracks First and Asks You Out
The #1 sign that the rules are working is when she can no longer wait the full week for you to ask her out…
All of a sudden you are getting “incoming” offers from her. Oh boy, now we’re cooking!
A good rule of thumb is a woman should ask you at least once by around date 4-6.
Sign #2) She Shows Light Frustration
Another really good sign is if you notice her getting slightly frustrated with you. This means that she wants to see and hear from you more than you’re giving her – so she starts acting a little irritated.
Translation: challenge is working
Even if she seems playful when she brings it up – there is still some truth behind her words:
Fine, don’t text me back then LOL
Where you been stranger?
Sign #3) Her Inner “Giver” Comes Out
Another great sign is when her feminine GIVING side comes out:
- she pays for a date
- she treats you for ice cream after dinner
- she offers to cook you dinner or bake you brownies
- she plans a date from start to finish
- she starts complimenting you a lot
These are all signs that natures “usual process” (only the man pursues) is being reversed. That she is starting to chase and that she views you as THE PRIZE.
The mistake guys make here is not letting her GIVE. You want to allow her to KEEP chasing you, because this is when she is at her happiest!
Remember, it’s for her benefit.
3 Signs That It’s NOT Having an Effect
Here are the signs that HUMOR and CHALLENGE are not having any effect on her interest (indifference)
The first bad signs is –
#1 She doesn’t initiate any texts
Women love to message guys, so if she doesn’t reach out to say “thank you for the date” or check-in at least once between dates to see what you’ve been up to – there’s likely an issue.
#2) She Never Shows Frustration, Lacks Emotion or Takes Initiative
If she shows ZERO signs of frustration that you never initiate any texts or wait a week to ask her out again, she likely doesn’t have high interest yet.
Also, if she has no EMOTIONAL reaction to your SILLY TEXT RESPONSES (whether good or bad) For example She doesn’t LOL. She doesn’t say “you’re crazy”. She just doesn’t react. at all. She’s indifferent.
Another bad sign is that when you’re being a challenge and you wait a full week ask her out again – she never (even once) breaks down and asks you out first. You’ve never gotten any “incoming” date offers.
I’ll add one more. – YOU ARE NOT A HIGH PRIORITY
She is still choosing other opportunities over going on a date with you.
I asked her out on date for Wednesday, but she said she had a Spa night planned. I said the only other night I had available that week was Thursday in which she said she has a work event that night and that the whole week was busy (dinner with friends Monday, Opera Tuesday, Spa night Wed, work event Thursday, & then getting eye surgery Friday.
If all of these “other” things are always a higher priority for her than you – you have to ask yourself WHY?
Sign #3: She Never HINTS at wanting to be EXCLUSIVE
If she mentions still casually going on dates with other guys, then you haven’t got this girl hooked yet.
Probably the biggest sign that the rules aren’t having any effect, is that after 6-8 dates she still doesn’t HINT at wanting to be exclusive. You notice her dating profile is still active.
She never says things like:
I deleted all my dating apps, have you?
So…are you dating/seeing anyone else?
It’s like she wouldn’t even care if you were dating 5 other women. Why should she? She’s probably still dating other guys.
Obviously a woman behaving like this isn’t going to drop HINTS about wanting to be your girlfriend either.
The Rules Protect You
If the rules aren’t having the effect you wanted, don’t despair. Because in a way, these 5 rules protected you.
For one, you learned sooner rather than later that she doesn’t have high interest in you, And it all would have been just a big waste of time and emotions.
You also saw that she doesn’t appreciate HUMOR – so you would have had a structured “sour-puss” for a girlfriend. Beware of women who don’t like to laugh – they love to control you.
And worse, you would have been with someone who is not a GIVER. She would have never offered to pay or chip-in, or do anything nice for you. Whether that is due to her low interest or her personality, it’s still a huge red flag.
In Conclusion
It all seems so simple doesn’t it.
Don’t initiate texts. Reply with silly humor. Never ask her out twice in a row. Don’t see her in a non-dating context and allow her to walk away if she bluffs.
But you’d be surprised how many guys just can’t follow these 5 rules.
However, I know you can do it. And your reward will be making her fall in love!