Thems The Rules!

If I could only give you one piece of advice, I would say THIS

The biggest difference between the guys who are successful with women and the guys who FAIL is:

The guys who fail think that as soon as a girl shows interest and they have ONE good date – that you can start enjoying everything RIGHT NOW!

You think you can instantly start sharing your feelings, texting her 24-7 and taking a weekend trip to Vegas. You feel as if she’s already your girlfriend and so the celebration starts TODAY!

You did it!

Reality Check: You’ve done NOTHING (yet)

The guys who are successful (of which there are few) know that this is NOT the time for a celebration. This is not the time to go wild messaging her daily or seeing her too often. They know that the campaign to make her fall in love is going to take time. And it’s not always pleasant. In fact, it kind of sucks.

You are going to want to text her, but shouldn’t. You are going to want to see her again, but can’t. Successful guys know that it will be a real struggle to practice self-control and be patient when you really like a girl.

But they also know that the PAYOFF for taking their time will be HUGE. Instead of fizzling out and being left heartbroken after 3 or 4 dates, they will have a girl in love with them forever.

So ask yourself, what do you want? 3 fun dates and then goodbye, or do you want to have this girl chasing you FOREVER?

Welcome to The Rules

Let’s make this really simple.

These are 5 RULES

Follow them and you will have success. Her interest will rise, she will start chasing you, and in about 10 weeks she will hint at wanting to be your girlfriend.

We will get into “why” the rules work in a second, but for now don’t get too caught up in the WHY.

Just follow the rules, even if it goes against what you think should work. Or what your buddy Steve told you works. Or what some girl at your office told you women want a guy to do.

But hey, look, this is not some secret cult.

I’m not going to follow you around and yell at you if you don’t follow the plan. Just realize that the further you deviate from the 5 Golden Rules, the less success you are going to have.

It’s really not that complicated.

Mastering the time between dates all comes down to how you set up your “messaging relationship” and your “date offers”

Here we go:

The 5 Golden Rules

Rule #1: Do Not Initiate Any Contact Between Dates

Rule #2: If/When she messages you, Respond With Silly Humor (Not Serious)

Rule #3: Do Not Allow Her To Play Games with Your Date Offers

Rule #4: Never See Her in a “Non-Dating” Context

Rule #5: If she shows signs of frustration because of any of these Rules, do not be afraid to allow her to walk away

The “Other” Guys

Just for comparison, here’s what a guy who doesn’t follow the rules looks like.

He messages her throughout the day. His texts are boring and logical – Hey, what are you up to? He allows her to downgrade and cancel dates at the last minute (hey, no worries!).

He sees her for a quick lunch at noon, helps her go run errands, and he bumps into her at the gym.

Worse, at the first sign of her being frustrated with him, he over-explains himself, backtracks and apologizes for no reason. In other words, he stops doing what was working.

Mission Control: 10 weeks

Can you control your emotions for 10 weeks?

Or are you going to try and make EXCUSES your lack of self-control by saying things like:

  • I don’t like to play games
  • If we both like each other, we don’t have to got through the dating process
  • I’m not wasting my time, she either likes me or she doesn’t

Don’t worry, you won’t have to be following these rules forever. It should take about 8-10 weeks/dates and then we can loosen up in some areas if need be.

Next Chapter