Lesson: The #1 Mistake – Going Too Fast

woman: Why is the guy I’m MOST interested in, the one who shows me the LEAST interest?

“Women fall in love SLOWER than MEN” (1 day vs 75)

It takes about 75 days on average for a woman to fall in love. For a guy who thinks he may have just found his dream, girl…..it only takes ONE DAY.

That means that you will be in love with her, way BEFORE she’s in love with you.

Which also means that there will be this period of at least several weeks/dates where your interest level in her, will be much HIGHER than her interest in you. (until she eventually catches up).

This highly emotional and uncertain period of time is what every man has to learn to cope with. And it takes a huge amount of SELF CONTROL.

The reason guys fall in LOVE instantly (Hit 100% interest) is because they get that amazing feeling from her BEAUTY. In his mind, she is slightly out of his league, or a bit better better looking than he ever thought he could get. Whereas for a woman, besides him being “attractive” she needs to access his character over. a period of time. Translation: she needs to see if he is REALLY a challenge.

The “Newness Phase” (excitement) is NOT love

It may appear to you like she’s already in love. That after just two dates she wants to be your girlfriend. However, like discovering an exciting new hobby (ie. the gym) or shiny new toy, this feeling is temporary.

And what goes up, what must also come down. To make her fall in love for REAL, it takes time. Since time began, men have tried ways to speed it up, but there is no getting around the TIME barrier.

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

— I’ve felt a lot of pressure while you were here

— Things are moving too fast

— I don’t have the same level of feelings for you as you have for me

By far, the biggest mistake my clients make with women is moving too fast.

And it’s not even close.

They don’t realize that dating is a process where you have to slowly build her interest over time. But forget all that – they just want to start enjoying everything now! (instant gratification!)

You can go” too fast” in 4 ways:

  • Communication: daily texting (24-7)
  • Availability/Time; seeing her too often (you should see her 1x a week to start)
  • Emotionally: confessing your feelings, pet names (babe), excessive compliments and validation
  • Physically: getting intimate too soon, sharing photos/ “sharing what you like” and not being a physical challenge

What’s Wrong With Going Fast?

The problem with going fast is – it DESTROYS the 3 main ingredients that produce the #1 feeling in the world.

And those ingredients are:

  1. I feel like I am chasing him
  2. I feel like I’m working hard for him
  3. I feel like I have to win him over

She can’t feel like she’s “chasing” you if you’re always around. She can’t feel like she had to “work hard”, if you’re already giving her everything she wants. She can’t feel like she’s trying to win YOU over, if you’ve already confessed how much you like HER.

Going too fast DESTROYS the #1 feeling in the world – I feel like I’m getting a guy out of my league – and it gives her the #2 feeling – it feels nice to be validated by a guy below my level.

Are you really “below” her level?

Well, if YOU are chasing HER – then yes, in her mind, you are beneath her. But the bottom line is this – you have the #1 feeling for her, and she only has the #2 feeling for you. And that imbalance will eventually doom your relationship.

The BIGGEST LIE Ever Sold To Men!

It’s a conspiracy!

The biggest LIE ever told to me is that “dating” is for your enjoyment. That as soon as you go on a date and she likes you, it’s time to enjoy yourself.

You thunk you get too see her and “hangout” a lot. text with her all the time. share your feelings and get physical right away. And don’t forget those weekend trips to Vegas!

Look, dating should be fun, but not TOO MUCH fun. And so if you are enjoying the dating phase too much, odds are you are doing it wrong and going too FAST.

Confirm Better: Dating is only about confirming to her that you represent something “better”. When she first met you, she may have believed that you were better or maybe she just suspected it – but dating her the right way (going slow and allowing her to chase) confirms that you are better.

Do You Suffer From PE?

Most of my clients come to me suffering with PE…

“Premature Enjoyment”.

Here’s the deal: The first 75 days of dating her (getting her to fall in love) is NOT about your ENJOYMENT. It’s only about raising her interest in you.

You guys want to have deep talks and 2 hour conversations. You guys want to text with her everyday. You guys want to confess your feelings and buy her stuff. It’s not time for that yet.

She’s NOT in love with you!

You’re trying to ENJOY the feeling of having a girlfriend “prematurely” It’s like a guy celebrating a touchdown before he reaches the end zone. You haven’t scored yet. So there’s nothing to enjoy. It’s time to be patient.

The first 60 days are all about giving her a challenge

— Letting her WONDER about you

— Going slow and letting her CHASE you

— Make her feel like she’s getting someone “out of her league”

Coaching Point:

The first 75 days creates the “story” of your relationship. A story that will last for 75 years if you end up marrying her. (And you can never go back and change that story) The first 75 days story is either – she feels like she had to chase you and win you over – or the story is you pursued her and eventually wore her down over time with persistence. Which story do you want?

It’s Not a Game (It’s a Display)

I have to laugh when one of my clients says – Chris, I don’t want to play games. Because this is not a game of playing hard to get, it’s a display of self-control.

Not wanting to play games is like a peacock saying, I’m not going to display my colorful feathers, but females should still be attracted to me anyway. Wishful thinking.

Watch This Video:

Basically the whole “game” comes down to one thing: Can you have high interest in her and still be able to show self-control and take things slow.

This is what the female needs to see if the man can display. This is the ultimate test. Patience and going slow when you really, really like her, are your “colorful feathers”.

Your Final Exam

So the final exam for being good with women isn’t about being good looking or having muscles. It’s not about having a great job or lots of money. It’s not about having the reputation of being a ladies man.

The final test women give you is: can you really (really) like her — and still be able to be patient, hang back, and politely slow her down. Until you can do that, to her, you’re just another average guy.

Remember, no matter how good looking or rich you are, when you come on too strong, it’s a dead giveaway that you aren’t truly #1 material. You are not an ORANGE

It Should Feel Hard

Until you get 60 days “in” with her having high interest, there is nothing to enjoy. In fact, it should feel hard. Even painful. Because to do this right you’re going to have to spend more time APART than together.

Either way there will be PAIN – so you can either take the pain of practicing “self-control” now, or deal with the pain of losing her later.

Once she’s “in love” and asks you to be her boyfriend (exclusive) – only then can the real fun begin. Because once you get to 60 days, we’re talking at least 12 months of absolute bliss if not more.

So would you rather have 60 days of enjoyment and 1 year of heartache and pain. Or 60 days or self-control and 12 month of ecstasy!

The fact is 90% of guys don’t make it past 60 days with her. And the #1 reason why is “premature enjoyment” or celebrating too soon. Guys try to take all the perks of “having a girlfriend” before they’ve gotten her to fall in love.

Remember. if you’re enjoying the first 60 days of dating too much, you’re probably NOT going to keep her.

You Almost Got Away With It

Availability is the antithesis of challenge ….

A lot of my newer clients get a little “testy” when I point out that they’re going way too fast and it’s a mistake.

They somehow want to believe that texting her everyday and seeing her 4 times every week isn’t killing her interest.

She seems pretty happy to me Chris, they say, with a hint of smugness in their voice. This is the same guy who’s working on his third divorce and just got dropped again after deciding to move a girl into his apartment after just 6 weeks.

But in a way, he’s right.

She does seem happy. At least for now. That’s because the mistake of going too fast doesn’t always show up right away. It’s not like you send one text and she instantly ends the relationship.

So you almost feel like you are getting away with it. That she’s not noticing. Chris is a fool, I can text her everyday and she’s still crazy about me. Until it comes time to pay all your speeding tickets.

You know, that moment where you check her phone and see that she’s been sending R-rated “snaps” to her ex-boyfriend. Or the text message that reads – I’d love to go to Vermont for the weekend with you, but I want to take things slow, so maybe some other time. (Slow? Last week this girl wanted to hangout five days in a row and she texts you like 10x a day)

To the untrained eye, it looks like her interest must have dropped for something you did yesterday. Or worse, you think she’s upset because you aren’t going fast enough. My favorite is, Chris, I think she’s just scared because she’s unsure about how much I like her. LOL.

But the truth is, when she says she wants to slow down or that she needs her space – it’s your penalty for going “too fast” weeks or sometimes even months ago.

It all just catching up with you now.

The Missing Ingredient (Time)

Write this down – You have her INTEREST, but you don’t yet have the TIME.

She has to be “under the spell” of high interest in you for at least 60 days. Think of it like like she’s been HYPNOTIZED and all she can think about is YOU. And the longer she’s under that spell, the more mistakes you can get away with.

But here’s the problem –

If she’s only been under the spell for 2 weeks, even if you make just ONE tiny mistake, she will “snap out of it” and end things. (it happens all the time)

However, if she’s your girlfriend and she’s had high interest in you for 6 months – you could make a bunch of mistakes and she would give you the time to correct them. She will give you a chance to RAISE her interest back up.

TRANSLATION: The more time she spends under the spell of high interest = more chances she gives you to correct your mistakes

That’s why you can’t get overconfident when she’s really into you after just 3 dates. Sure, it feels nice, but it doesn’t mean much until you get that TIME in.

Here’s where a lot of my coaching clients go wrong:

As soon as you notice that her interest in you is HIGH, there’s a temptation to forget all the rules and think that your situation is “special”. That you can text with her everyday. Or see her three times a week. Or go to that graduation party and meet all her friends.

But that’s the exact moment when she “snaps out of it” and realizes – wait a second, this is all going too fast.

Why did she start ignoring all your messages out of the blue? Because you made ONE mistake of going too fast. And because you didn’t have the TIME in, she didn’t allow you a chance to correct it.

One mistake and you were OUT! (it doesn’t seem fair does it)

Self Control: Your Only Competition Is YOU

Besides wanting to prematurely enjoy all of the benefits of having a girlfriend, (before she’s in love with you) guys make another BIG mistake.

They feel like if they don’t hurry up or if they hang back and wait, another guy will swoop in and steal her away.

Here’s How You Think:

If I don’t text her she will forget about me and message with another guy. If I don’t ask her out right away she may go on a date with someone else. If I don’t tell her how I feel, some other guy will say he loves her first and she will fall for him.

What you don’t realize is that you are never competing with another guy.

You are always competing against yourself.

The winner isn’t the guy who goes the fastest. The winner is the guy that can go the slowest.

So the only one who can make this girl drop you and chose another guy…. is YOU.

Never Pressure Her

Here’s a very important coaching point.

She can feel pressure, EVEN IF she likes you. Let me repeat that. She can feel PRESSURE, even if she’s really into you.

The Pressure Formula: She feels pressure anytime your interest in her (what you want from her) is HIGHER than her interest in you.

So, she could really like you (80% interest) – however if your interest is 100%, she is going to feel pressure. And she is going to pull away from you.

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The Right Pace

So what is the perfect pace to take things?

Well for starters, you want to keep your communication with her between dates to a minimum. (read: almost zero) And you should only be seeing her once a week to start. And even if you do one date a week, try to avoid doing THE SUPER DATE. Those are dates that last 8-12 hours, which are really like 2 or 3 dates in one.

Now, once she asks to be your girlfriend (her idea, not yours), you can slowly increase the amount of time you spend with her.

As for confessing feelings, giving gifts,, doing favors and the like – that can only start to happen once she’s your girlfriend. It’s not that I have a cold heart, or that I think giving gifts and flowers is wimpy, it’s just that when you do it too soon, you only give her the #2 feeling.

And she only wants a #1 feeling guy!

Remember guys, the FASTEST way to get a woman to fall in love with you, is to go SLOW.

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